Land and Water Group are the largest independent environmental and wet civil-engineering experts in the UK. For over 40 years the company has delivered solutions protecting our landscapes, waterscapes and wildlife in times of varying climatic and environmental conditions. The company employees civil and environmental engineering experts delivering solutions for the maintenance and management of the UK's coastal, canal and river networks. The scope of services includes provision of large-scale amphibious equipment, strategic project planning and delivery for simple and complex projects, advice on habitat and wildlife protection or operational support and training for smaller projects. Land and Water Group comprises a series of companies which specialise in activities at the land water interface both at inland and coastal areas.
The Principal Companies in the Group are:
Land and Water Services Ltd - are the largest business within LAWG and are specialists in marine engineering, working in both tidal and non-tidal waters in the UK. Other core activities include the construction and restoration of lakes and water courses and the design and construction of marinas, docks, harbours, flood embankments and flood relief infrastructure.
Terraqua Environmental Solutions (TES) - is a division of LAWS supplying coir products and indigenous aquatic marginal plants, water lilies and oxygenating plants to Group companies and the external market. The business has specialist installation resources to deliver these projects with expertise in planting care and optimisation of the natural habitat.
Land and Water Plant - own the largest fleet of long-reach excavators in Europe and offer for hire a wide range of equipment used for the maintenance of water-related sites. Examples include weed-cutting boats, small tugs, barges, pontoons and a unique fleet of various sized amphibious excavators.
National Tracked Dumper Hire - a joint venture company half owned by Flannery's and half owned by Land and Water Plant providing a fleet of tracked dumper trucks for hire. It has no employees and management is provided by both Flannery's and Land and Water Plant.
Land and Water Remediation - principal activity is the management of Rainham Jetty and tipping facility in Essex. This company has an agreement to manage the filling of Port of London Authority's dredging tip which is to be filled and restored to form a wetland marsh. The completed restoration will form a significant addition to RSPB's adjacent Rainham Marshes Nature Reserve a world-renowned area for the overwintering of wetland birds.
Geomac - undertake feasibility and viability studies as well as obtaining planning permission for marinas. Develop and operate inland marinas providing development management in the form of advice and support on acquisitions, planning, project management during the construction stage and operational management once commissioned.
Land and Water Foundation- is a not-for-profit company whose aim is to provide support to communities and other bodies who do not have the knowledge or resources to address flood and catchment management issues affecting their community.
Land and Water Group- provides professional functions to the businesses including accounts, HR, well-being, IT, insurance and procurement services. The Group's head office is based at Albury near Guildford with subsidiary offices at Appleby Magna, Leicestershire and Kingsbury, Birmingham.
Our main types of suppliers are: -
Land and Water Group of companies is a family of 170+ people who are highly trained and safety focused. The best people work with the Group because of our shared values which are set out below and which generate a culture where people feel appreciated and cared for. This is reflected in the length of service of many employees. This ethos extends to our way of doing business and translates into our relationships with all those we deal with. Land and Water Group take seriously its obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business dealings. Below we describe the systems and controls in place to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in any part of our own business or in any of our supply chains. This policy applies to all persons working for us or on our behalf in any capacity, including employees at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, seconded workers, volunteers, agents, contractors and suppliers.
Within Land & Water the highest risk areas for slavery lie in our resourcing and supply chain functions. We have therefore taken careful measures in particular to ensure these areas are free from modern slavery and that line managers are fully aware of how to handle such issues. There has been a risk assessment undertaken and appropriate managers have been given additional information on tackling modern slavery to ensure that these high-risk areas are fully capable of spotting and preventing slavery wherever possible.
All employees have a responsibility to monitor and advise the Group Board on any practice that is thought to be in possible violation of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The Group Board have overall responsibility in ensuring the company and its supply chain are compliant and actively identify and eliminate any potential risks of slavery or human trafficking.
Our Procurement Team have particular responsibility in ensuring all suppliers sign up to committing to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Our Resourcing Manager has particular responsibility in ensuring the temporary and permanent workers recruited through agencies are ethically sourced and managed.
The company have a number of policies which may supplement and/or support this one; they can be found on the following link and include
The company have worked over the past few years to discard those suppliers that don't aspire to our terms and values and support those who do.
All new suppliers are asked to complete a new supplier form which seeks their responses on a range of ethical, legal, financial and other aspects. This is the first step in aiming to work only with like-minded businesses.
Our managers forge effective working relationships with our key suppliers and come to understand their business drivers, ways of working and people very well. These relationships enable us to probe if there appear to be any areas of potential risk in relation to slavery or human trafficking.
We have put in some basic performance indicators and will monitor their effectiveness and the need for any others that can be measured without introducing significant cost and bureaucracy.
Relevant factsheets from the government link below have been distributed to appropriate employees.
The current measures in place are adequate for us to identify any potential risks. The close and long-term working relationships we have with our major suppliers, including agencies who provide temporary workers, and the checks conducted on new suppliers, provide us with confidence that we do not deal with any companies who allow exploitation of workers. There are no indications that there should be further action taken at this point to strengthen our Modern Slavery policy, and we feel we have the right procedures in place to effectively tackle slavery year on year. However we will continue to carry out annual reviews to identify the measures necessary to remain compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
0844 225 1958